Loved By You

In a slum world where the rat-race is best experienced and lived in 3 dimension of deprivation, disease and desperation, meet an ambassador of love in action. Peter Abungu demonstrates transformative Gospel and opens our eyes to the key of friendship in winning souls among the poor.

In his powerful book, he gives us the strategy of creative youth-led platforms whose success we can all emulate to create sustainable local solutions among the poorest of the poor.

This book is the heart of slum-world revealed than never before. The emotive experiences and triumphant interventions cited herein relate to the poor in Kibera, world’s second largest slum found in Nairobi, Kenya. For anyone who’s interested in changing the world by investing in the poor, this is a must read and share.


By Rev. Ken Aringo

Founder President-Preserving Human Dignity (PHD) Africa and Swahiba Board Member

A mountain moving faith must be a faith that moves you through the mountains, untrodden paths and even the crevices; in this gripping treatise, Peter Abungu traces his own faith in God in the faith and conversion of his biological father whose encounter with an American missionary in Kampala-Uganda brought him face to face with the transforming power of the Gospel that set him on fire to evangelize and disciple not only his immediate family but whole nations-a real domino effect. Loved by You is a story of hope rising from the dark belly of the second largest slum in Africa and home to 1.3 Million poor of the poor –Kibera (Kenya). Raised in a family of God-loving, faith-filled and fully serving on-the-move missionary parents, Peter watched firsthand the highs and lows of being a pastor’s kid- sharing his family home with the whole community, the challenges of church planting, bearing the loss of his beloved mother, blood Brother-Reina; and eventually his own father early in life; enduring forced church attendance and the requirement to have a ready sermon during family devotion time; in and out of season. In a miraculous way, Peter finds himself in the United Kingdom on a full mission scholarship and ends up in a Bible School where a Kenyan teenage boy’s story in a magazine brought to light his own story of loss, destitution and even hope for a better tomorrow; and this lit the embers of a deep passion to make a difference in the lives of the less-privileged slum dwellers. By divine design, at the end of his stay and training in youth ministry in the UK; Peter finds himself deep in the heart of Kibera slums on a “Love-driven” mission to the deprived and destitute populace under the banner of “Swahiba” (Swahili for a very close friend). Indeed, “Love begets love” and that is the unique fuel that drives Peter and the Swahiba love “gang” as well as faithful partners in a Gospel-centered, need-satisfying; human dignifying mission in the midst of hopelessness, helplessness and heart-wrenching slum life and survival for the fittest harsh eco-sphere. This is a true account of a God-ordained, Jesus-led life changing love story. More than a good read, it is a worthy Kingdom investment because the proceeds of this book will go a long way in changing the slum-life narrative through the noble ministry of Swahiba Networks. I highly recommend!

Book Excerps

God Changes People

Not only did the missionary impact change to my dad, actually, it had a domino effect on the entire family. Because of what one obedient missionary did in the streets of Uganda, thousands in this world will come to know the Lord and great ministries will keep coming up from the same stalk.

You don’t ask God for what you can do

I was determined not to pray for what I could do. We need to do what we can and pray when we can’t provide the resources needed to meet a need. God specializes in the impossible. As for what’s in our power to do, it’s ok to go ahead and do what we can do. That way, we know and are very clear when glory is due to God.

The great omission: why poverty persists

The world’s poverty is a demonstration of our lack of love. It’s a pointer to our selfishness. It’s the judgment against our selfishness. It’s a testament of refusing to share the Love of God with God’s fellow children. It is the great omission of the three rich men of the bible:


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