The Kivuli

We covet your help to build, and furnish The KIVULI (meaning shade). The Kivuli will provide a transitional, recovery safe shelter for the vulnerable boys and girls who have been subjected to psychological, physical and sexual abuse by hostile caregivers and immediate community.


 The Kivuli will provide a transitional, short-term safe haven depending on the individual circumstance but not exceeding a year. During this period, they will receive a holistic attention inclusive of counselling, medical attention, training on life skills, computer training and relevant trade skills.

This will provide a safe and godly environment; thereby providing them an opportunity to start a healing journey towards rebuilding their lives and brokenness. It will also provide an opportunity to evangelize, disciple and mentor the victims of abuse to become committed followers of Jesus.


The Kivuli will house 24 boys and girls at any one given time under the care and supervision of trained counselors and nutritionists who will also serve as the house guardians. The house will have 10 full time staff composed of manager, 2 house guardians, two teachers, an accountant, a cook, cleaner and 2 security guards.


The Kivuli will also provide opportunity for missionaries to come live, serve and support the house for a minimum of two weeks and maximum period of six months.


According to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2020 Report 59% of children under the age of 17 years who are subjected to abuse are also deprived of proper nutrition, education, health care, information, clean water and sanitation.  The Kivuli management will work hand-in-hand with Government of Kenya, department of Children Services and likeminded organizations to progressively reintegrate the recovered young people back into their families and larger community.

Join hands with us and build the KIVULI!

The KIVULI requires $750,000 to build and furnish. It will take approximately 9 months to build and 3 months thereafter to fully furnish and equip.


Please, consider coming along by:

  1. 10 givers and commit to give $75,000 to help us meet our target. Or
  1. 100 givers and commit to give $7,500 to help us meet our target. Or
  1. 1000 givers and commit to give $750 to help us meet our target.


Don’t miss a chance for an opportunity to partner with God and Swahiba Networks.

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The Kivuli (Meaning The Shade)

A transitional, recovery safe shelter for  vulnerable youth

Tel: +254 700 428 083